HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986V909P207 �.j 363333 UTILITY EASEMENT (Specific Property) ;,,J AO 21 rr' 2. 52 STATE OF TEXAS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE •-PRES.ENTS z _n� -;-, COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) THAT, META S. BROWN, GRANTOR, acting herein by and through her agent and Attorney-in-Fact, LORELEI B. BROWN, of the County of Travis, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTOR by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED , SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: Being an 20 foot public utility easement through Lot 84 of College Hills Woodlands an addition to the City of College Station, Texas, according to plat of record in Volume 104 , Page 3 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being the same tract conveyed to Sidney 0. Brown by deed recorded in Volume 149, Page 51 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, being in three tracts. Provided, however, that this conveyance shall herein specified only as to thatgranto the rightsi property more y portion of the above described centerline on thetattached Exhibit dby course, width, and "A" , known as the "Easement Area", and any additional area outside the easement area neces- sary to install and attach equipment, guy wires, and anchors necessary and incident to the uses of the Easement Area. To erect, construct, install , and thereafter use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, modify, and remove the following: Sanitary sewer lines, connecting lines, access facilities, and related equipment; upon, over, and across said property as herein described and any ways, streets, roads, or alleys abutting same; and to cut, trim and control the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in the easement area or on adjoining property of GRANTOR, which might interfere with or threaten the operation and maintenance of any public utility equipment, accessories, or operations. It is understood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities placed upon said property shall remain the property of GRANTEE. GRANTOR expressly subordinates all rights of surface use incident to the mineral estate to the above described uses of said surface by GRANTEE, and agrees to sublender' s subordinations on behalf of GRANTEE upon request. It is expressly understood that the GRANTOR or future Owners of this property reserve the right to use this EASEMENT for all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent its s use b y the h'fir' v/ 1(513l col 91209 - - V0:. 909 r 207 GRANTEE agrees that it will not disturb, harm, or damage permanent structures by its use of the easement area. GRANTEE will not disturb unique landscaping such as large trees ( including four trees to be staked off by GRANTOR prior to construction) and gardens; however, GRANTEE shall have the right to require GRANTOR to designate said unique landscaping prior to commencement of construction. That GRANTEE will not rechannel the exisitng creekbed and will stabilize the creekbed subsequent to construction by seeding and compaction and not by concreting. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS , and its successors and assigns, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind herself, her successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any part thereof. EXECUTED this 20 day ofd , �L-e.4Y/— , 1986 . META S. BROWN BY: 0 -&/Y-C,(_.,:. LORELEI B. BROWN, Her Agent and Attorney-In-Fact APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT RE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ,2� '= 196 day of Attor e by LORELEI B. BROWN as agent and y-in-Fact on behalf of META S. BROWN. the State i and or of T E X A S Printed Name: ,Ce-7,547. My Comm • Exp -; �3_ Vii. VOL 909 °w:208 - 2 - • + 1 } Proposed 20 ' Easement Lot 84 College Hills Woodlands College Station, Texas 24 April 1985 Being an easement through Lot 84 of College Hills Woodlands an addition to the City of College Station, Texas , according to plat of record in Volume 104 , Page 3 of the Deed Records of Brazos County , Texas , and being the same tract conveyed to Sidney 0 . Brown by deed recorded in Volume 149 , Page 51 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described in Three Tracts as follows : TRACT 1 : Beginning at an iron rod set at the front common corner of Lot 84 and Lot 85 of the said College Hills Woodlands, in the southeast line of Gilchrist Avenue . Thence along the center of a small creek which is line between Lots 84 and 85 as follows : S 44° 04 ' 38" E - 33 . 46 feet to an angle point; S 9° 37 ' 19 " W - 13 . 25 feet to the southwest line of this easement; Thence N 51 ° 18 ' 44" W - 51 . 77 feet along the southwest line of this easement to the southeast line of Gilchrist Avenue; Thence N 76° 13 ' 50" E - 19 . 92 feet along the southeast line of Gilchrist Avenue to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 01 acres of land more or less . TRACT 2 : Commencing at an iron rod set at the front common corner of Lot 84 and Lot 85 of the said College Hills Woodlands , in the southeast line of Gilchrist Avenue . Thence along the center of a small creek which is the line between Lots 84 and 85 as follows : S 44° 04 ' 38" E - 33 . 46 feet to an angle point; S 9° 37 ' 19" W - 22 .45 feet to an angle point; S 26° 54 ' 31" E - 16 . 84 feet to an angle point; N 76° 51 ' 40" E - 19 . 08 feet to the Point of Beginning of this tract; Thence continuing along the center of said creek as follows : N 76° 51 ' 40" E - 1 . 43 feet to an angle point; N 29° 00 ' 30" E - 14 . 58 feet to an angle point; N 67 ° 22 ' 13 " E - 5 . 13 feet to the northeast line of this easement; Thence S 51 ° 18 ' 44" E - 37 . 61 feet along the northeast line of this easement to the center of said creek and the line between Lots 84 and 85; Thence continuing along the center of said creek as follows : S 33° 37 33" W - 10.42 feet to an angle point; S 26° 29 ' 35" E - 17 . 37 feet to an angle point; S 48° 49 ' 08" E - 32. 68 feet to an angle point; S 15 ° 17 ' 41 " E - 1 . 54 feet to the southwest line of this esement; Thence N 51 ° 18 ' 44" W - 89. 08 feet along the southwest line of this easement to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 02 acres of land more or less . Exhibit "A" VO.. 909 °a.:, 209 ` t _ v Page 2 of 2 20 ' Easement Lot 84 College Hills Woodlands TRACT 3 : Commencing at the rear common corner of Lots 84 and 85 in the said College Hills Woodlands . Thence S 69 ° 50 ' 52 " W - 7 . 69 feet along the center of a small creek which is the line between the said Lots 84 and 85; Thence N 12 ° 14 ' 36 " E - 15 . 71 feet continuing along the center of said creek to an angle point; Thence N 65 ° 09 ' 21 " E - 1 . 04 feet along the center of the said small creek to the southwest line of this easement and the Point of Beginning of this tract; Thence N 51 ° 18 ' 44 " W - 61 . 35 feet along the southwest line of this easement to center of said creek and the .line between Lots 84 and 85; Thence N 81 ° 27 ' 06 " E - 27 . 24 feet along the center of said creek to the northeast line of this easement ; Thence S 51 ° 18 ' 44 " E - 52 . 81 feet along the northeast line of this easement to the center of said creek and the line between Lots 84 and 85; Thence S 65 ° 09 ' 21 " W - 22 . 34 feet along the center of said creek to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 03 Acres of land more or less . h., 10 1 ,, P� , ' ,.�, X DAVID R. MAYO^ }/ it h v .�: 1415 1 G©.?fC H.1.01 °•.{O3( *'_ „ SUR®" VOL 909 PAGE 210 / / \ 1 9/3f6 .s 7r 909�,�7 . r0)7y./ n �� 0�P<07 N 9/31>695 II ,I 6 /f C 9pgp 2D7N 9'