HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/2002 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board (2) Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item # r1Reulr Item 1----1Consent Item !Workshop Item Item Submitted By: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation 1Council Meeting Date. October 24, 2002 E-Sghed by Steva,Eleachy Director Approva . City Manager Approval: Item: Joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for discussion and possible action regarding strategic planning, Council vision statements, and Board goals. Item Summary: The City Council requested joint meetings with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on a semi-annual basis as part of the FY2002 Strategic Plan. This is intended to enhance communications between the Council and appointed Advisory Board members concerning Council issues, visions, and priorities. The last joint meeting with the Board was held on December 6, 2001. Item Background: At their annual retreat, the City Council developed specific strategies to support the achievement of the four (4) identified vision statements. Several strategies related to cultural arts and recreational opportunities requiring the involvement and support of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board have been identified to achieve these vision statements. The Advisory Board's FY2003 goals have been developed and are consistent with the City's Strategic Plan and Council direction. The proposed FY2003 goals are attached along with the completed goals for FY2002 for possible Council discussion and consideration. The joint meeting may involve discussion about these goals, strategies, and related issues® A memorandum from Dr® John P. Nichols, Advisory Board Chairman, is attached that provides the four main talking points that the Board would like to discuss with the Council® Supporting Materials: 1. A memorandum dated October 9, 2002, from Dr. John P. Nichols, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. 2. Completed Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals. 3. Proposed Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Goals. MEMO ' • NDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Nichols, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board , kik' DATE: October 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Topics of Discussion for Joint Meeting on October 24, 2002. Thank you for providing the opportunity for members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to discuss our FY2003 Goals and other important issues of interest. The FY2003 Board Goals have been formulated to support the City's Strategic Plan and past direction provided by the Council. These Goals are monitored on an on-going basis to ensure that our efforts are focused and on schedule. Any input on the part of Council regarding these goals is welcome and appreciated. The Board has identified four main topics of discussion for the workshop meeting. These topics are directly related to the goals and are as follows: 1. FUTURE CIP - How does the City Council view the role of the Board in this process? - Does the City Council want the Board to provide a member to participate in the Citizens Committee? - What questions or comments do you have related to the preliminary project list for park facilities? - This is part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. 2. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS - Council adopted these standards in 2001. - The first year of reporting is now complete (FY2002). - The goal is to achieve a 90% rating or better in all categories by 2006. - They are part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. 3. INTERNAL EVALUATION OF LEISURE PROG MS - It will be accomplished over several months. - Emphasis will be placed on potential areas of improvement through existing resources. - This is part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. 4. RECREATION, PARK, AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN - Council adopted the current plan in 1999. - The direction at that time was to update the plan every three years. - The plan is being reviewed and updated by Staff and the Board. - This is part of the FY2003 Strategic Plan. These four main topics are key issues that we wish to discuss with Council and they represent a significant portion of the planning work for the Board in FY2003. We have enclosed several items of background information related to these topics. Other issues or concerns from the City Council are welcomed, as you may desire. Your time and interest in these matters are greatly appreciated. cc: Tom Brymer, City Manager Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation Encl.: Preliminary CIP Project List FY2002 Park Maintenance Standards Report FY2003 Park Maintenance Standards Graphs Schedule for Board Evaluation of Leisure Programs Updated Master Plan Revision Schedule Preliminary CIP Project List Parks and Recreation Capital Annual Cost Operating Description Type Estimate Cost Forestry Shop Park $ 670,000 $ 3,000 Central Park Shop Renovation. Park $ 200,000 $ - Steeplechase Park Development. Park $ 315,000 $ 18,000 Shenendoah Park Development. Park $ 315,000 $ 19,000 Lick Creek Park Phase II Development. Park $ 578,000 $ 20,000 Sandstone Park Park $ 47,000 $ 1,000 Richard Carter Park Improvements. Park $ 217,000 $ 2,000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. Park $ 5,623,250 $ 65,000 New Cemetery Phase I Development. Park $ 300,000 $ 66,000 Intergenerational Enhancements Park $ 309,000 $ 3,000 Grand Total $ 8,574,250 $ 197,000 PA ' MAINTENANCE STANDARDS MAJOR AREAS OF CONCE I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields The Southwood Senior League and Little League baseball field fencing needs replacement. Much of the fence fabric is warped and many of the poles are bent. Money has been appropriated for replacing the fencing and bids are presently being requested. The softball field lights at Lemontree Park and Bee Creek Park are in need of replacement. The wiring is dilapidated and much of it is not secured. The light poles are not the required height. Much of the hardware connected to the wood utility type poles is loose. The softball field lighting at Lemontree Park is the worst of the two. IL Playgrounds The replacement of the Gabbard Park and Georgie K. Fitch play units has helped to meet standards in the Playground category. However, the most improvement is needed in the West District. The replacement of the Anderson Park play unit is presently underway and the replacement of the Hensel Park play unit is being planned. After replacing these two play units,the focus should shift to replacing the play units at Bee Creek Park and Southwood Athletic Park. All of the play units in the park system need "Age Appropriate" signs. Also,the fall zone in many of the play units needs to be dug out and refilled to the proper depth with new surface material. Replacement of the fall zone material will begin as soon as possible in FY 2003. IV. Tennis Courts The Bee Creek tennis courts are presently the worst courts in the park system. The courts have many large cracks and the fencing around the courts is seriously in need of replacement. The fencing material is warped and the fence poles have shifted so much that much of the support bracing does not stay in place. With the budget increase for resurfacing tennis and basketball courts, the tennis court surfaces should be significantly improved within the next two years. VIII. Parks: General Parks Most of the drinking fountains do not meet ADA requirements for accessibility or usage. Each park should have at least one water fountain that meets ADA requirements. Water fountains are a high priced item and will be brought to standards as funds are available. The irrigation at Richard Carter Park is presently non-existent. Because of water use restrictions during drought conditions over the past several years this system had to be shut down. The drying and shifting of the clay soil caused numerous breaks in the water lines and the wiring. The replacement of this system is being planned for FY 2003. General Appearance Items Several park identification signs will be repainted in FY 2003. Irrigation controllers and electrical box covers will be put into aesthetically pleasing enclosure. Bare areas in the parks will be seeded, sodded, or mulched as needed. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDA t' 1 S SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2002 Quarterly Periods: First Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 77% Second Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 83% Third Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Fourth Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 81% Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West Average%of standards met 1st Quarter 74% 76% 74% 75% 2nd Quarter 88% 85% 82% 85% 3rd Quarter 92% 81% 88% 87% 4th Quarter 91% 75% 91% 86% IIa Playgrounds East South West Average%of standards met 1St Quarter 83% 88% 55% 75% 2nd Quarter 89% 89% 75% 84% 3rd Quarter 85% 84% 79% 83% 4th Quarter 72% 83% 71% 75% III. Picnic Facilities East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 88% 87% 81% 85% 2nd Quarter 90% 90% 83% 88% 3rd Quarter 94% 83% 90% 89% 4th Quarter 89% 86% 82% 87% IV. Tennis Courts East South West Average%of Standards met 1'Quarter 83% 62% 65% 70% 2' Quarter 91% 75% 61% 76% 3rd Quarter 95% 78% 68% 80% 4th Quarter 90% 87% 68% 82% V. Basketball Courts East South West Average %of Standards met 1't Quarter 86% 96% 75% 86% 2"d Quarter 89% 100% 82% 90% 3rd Quarter 94% 96% 85% 92% 4t' Quarter 81% 98% 71°A) 83% VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 63% 77%4 90% 77% 2nd Quarter 97%0 86% 100% 94% 3rd Quarter 78%4 89%4 100% 89% 4th Quarter 82%4 96% 100% 93% VII. Ponds East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 43% 85%4 57%4 62% 2nd Quarter 57%4 75% 53%4 62% 3rd Quarter 69% 71% 79% 73% 4th Quarter 45% 72% 62% 60% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 85%4 79%4 84% 83% 2nd Quarter 86%4 82% 82%4 83% 3rd Quarter 94% 80% 94% 89% 4th Quarter 81% 84%4 89% 85% Overall District Averages East South West Overall %® of Standards Met 1st Quarter 76% 81% 73% 77% 2nd Quarter 86% 85% 77%4 83% 3rd Quarter 88% 83%4 85%4 85% 4th Quarter 79%4 85% 79% 81% NOTE: The Maintenance Standards for Parks Facilities and the Maintenance Standards Survey was revised during the fourth quarter. City' of College Sat Standards FY02 Parks - -ict Maintenance- tSiotann :„.„,„":„". ',,,,:i,!figg".:..q.,,:4:,,,iiiiii4:0..,,,,,ggi,:,,.."..*-,,,,ic,I11.,,ii.,,foo,:,a,,,„.,-,*.I,...,,,,,„,,,,,,.:,,,...„.„„..,........,-; mt3T ; 1st Quarter 02EndaQsuartDerisr. 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" " Facilities 86 57 88 Athletic Playgrounds Facilities 97 94 0/0 88 ;9 Basketball 69 79 83 Tennis9831Courts 78 Volley a 81 74 90 94 45 1st Quarter 89 95 82 88 94 81 02nd Quarter 85 89 90 72 03rd Quarter 9921 04th Quarter 5 years taati Council Goal: 90% rating or betteron .*Source: City Presentation standardsmarch within 2.2si 2001. oanndar intenancSetaStit. ds acoli:e.............7 FY02 PC 'tYrk°Mf ...a { t , a d... ,. .. .,. _.r:.'....,_ •c,.,.:....:_.•......',,, v....... s;... a . : •h} ._1t3z (.:« ,....... :._..p,. .r.� ,'q,.'•,_.vt h,.., .;,........ . .,^ l is, -...:. ..,.......t..-.,..<.>...._..::.,<-.,ut,..,...r.:_(.r . +< tQuarter u a ...,\....r>«..7,,,.r., +t t t e ,..,2. ._ h iS: t...d..1: ...,.ub..r n u er r u r l , .. ."v., . .;,,.. 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J,+` } } $ Y _ Xd4 . , b GW" f r 4f S { Y l t. b i },;' d _- i 3 d l - l arks:0 t � 111111111111141 1111111611 11111 t1i1I . : {- 11111111 o00.------- BasketballGeneral Av'esrtangcetsis isCourts ourt 7 Athletic playgrounds Facilities7Fac{Ittiesal° 87 Tennis CourtsVolleyball ons 'linif • tigii poutimp omit ut 1,14,141 siois inint ill amit ititott tt • lititit too 484 101 mit Illimillt ftosiol , Nott iliiVitot mit ik isilm itut mak oi at 4044,1 siot alif tit lilt 01. moo tt 1110-01 14 wilt • 411 toik st litoti ittml-co 44:4 ViSk leitittli ,..,, 2 fit I ssist tio• 1.,,,,,hpitt, tst,„ •• 1111 IIIIIII IIIIPIIIIIIIIII 041, Asti u.,,,,,,,,sot vitiats Isin low- -''''''''''''''''- 1011111114 ft laiiiim tio 1(11111 oi laulsogist eor rotti oplanta 1111111,11111-1;', ltNii 0 1,J,Atii tiviirlat ,:,,,,, 9 81 86 100 75 90 89 775 182 8575 7 1st Quarter 73502nd Quarter 81 3rd Quarter 754th Quarter 83 Rs Goal: 90% rating or better on all standards within ears. ' ounce: CityCouncil Presentation on aro 2 , s Program Evaluations The internal program evaluations are due by November 1, 2002. Please make sure that the evaluations are complete, accurate, and provide an honest look at the services provided by the Department. Special attention should be given to look for ways to improve the programs in future years. The information from the evaluations will also assist in developing the Department's fee recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004. Three main questions should be answered for each program: 1. Who are we serving? This should include participation numbers, ages, gender, geographic areas, etc. 2. What is the benefit of the service? Is there another agency that could provide the service? 3® What is the cost of the service? Direct, as well as indirect costs (you will have a choice between two budget forms). The schedule for supervisors to present their program evaluations to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is: November 12, 2002 —Aquatics Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, October 31St December 10, 2002 —Athletics Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, December 5th January 14, 2003 —Educational Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, January 9th. February 11, 2003 —Entertainment Programs Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, February 6th. March 4, 2003 —Supervised Recreation (moved up because of Spring Break) Information needed for Board packets by Thursday, February 27th. Presentations to the Board should be concise and to the point, with clear recominendations. Plait on approximately 15 to 20 minutes for discussion and questions. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, at 7.00 p.m. in the Central Park Conference Room. However, meetings are subject to change. You will be notified immediately of time and location if a meeting has been rescheduled. City of College Station Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Three Year Review and Update 2002 Revision Schedule January, 2002 El Completion of the draft Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan February, 2002 El Staff review and update of Section IV(Area and Facility Concepts and Standards) El Staff completion of the update to the Parks and Recreation Department Resource Guide March,2002 El Board review and comments regarding Section II(Goals and Objectives)El . Board review and comments regarding the draft of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. August/September, 2002 El Staff review and update of the current Master Plan,Section 1(Introduction) El Staff review and update of Section V(Inventory and Facilities) El Staff review and update of Section VI(Needs Assessment and Identification) October,2002 Staff completion of the . Parks and Recreation Dep. ent 5-Y Strategic Plan(FY2003 -2007) El Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I,IV,and VI November, 2002 • Board subco 'ttee review and comments regarding Section VII(Priori on of N - and Plan Implementation). • Board review of the draft Parks and Recreation Dep. ent 5-Y- Strategic Plan December,2002 • Final . of the Parks and Rec tion Dep ent 5-Y Strategic Plan sub. Ited to the City Manager's Office for r *ew Board subcommittee review and co ents regarding Section III(Plan Development Process) January,2003 Completion of the Parks and Recreation De o. ent 5-Year Strategic Plan Public input period for the revised Master Plan Board consideration of the revised Master Plan March,2003 Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan 2003 City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan Presentation of the . Parks and Recreation Dci. ent 5-Year Strategic Plan to the City Council for consideration As of October 11,2002 City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Completed Goals (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. El Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January 8, 2002). El Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a) CI Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (Endorsed by the Board on July 9111. Will be presented to Council Mr consideration on August 22nd, 2002 .) El Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (f/S4S8a). EI Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). El Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). • Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital ImproVement Program. EI Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). FRI Lick Creek Park site review (December ii, 2001) El Madeley Park site review. (Februamy 19, 2002) O Woodway Park site review. (On Hold pending land acquisition) O Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. El Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (Februar 5, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February 5, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (Februaty 12, 2002) El Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan, El Review of Section Il (Goals and Objectives) of the plan. (Februat:v 12. 2002) EI Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) E1 Review of Sections 1, IV, V, and VI of the plan. (October 7, 2002) O Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) O Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). O Review of Revised Master Plan Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Ullated:October 11,2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase ii Development. RI Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 1/, 2001) RI Determine priorities for development. (Februari 5, 7002) RIEZI Develop recommendations for implementation. (February ?, 2002) Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (March 5, 2002 Skate Park facility planning (VS4Sb RI Develop recommendation forscopeof project. (November 13, 200.1) RI Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2000 RI Develop recommendation for imptementation. (November 1 -)), 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park (Note.- Funds have been requested for FY03). RI Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff(November 13, 20110® Ot Determine needs forprogram requirements. RE Develop recommendations for scope ofproject. RI Develop recommendations for implementation Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the togging track at Jack Doi and othy Mbiller Park. RI Review proposed project cost estimates (December /1, 2001). RI Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). • Develop recommendations for implementation. (Under construction). Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. RI Receive update report from Greenways' Coordinator (October 9, 2001 o Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues. RI Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. • Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens. El Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program 0 group. (December 6, 200 (. ), Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). Develop recommendations for implementation (January 8, 2007). Prh5 Recreation City ol College 3ttion Parks(0)&? Recreation Advisory Board r1 ., adt:d.Priorities Parks 1721)30oard Approval:October 9,2001 Lpdated:Octoberl Page 2 of 2 2 41114 OULt4igitr9N7 Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future! City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Proposed Goals (Not Prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department O Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2S1.a) O Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2S1.a) O Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (VS2S2.b) O Develop recommendations for implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1.b) (Plan presented to Council 011 September 26, 2002) Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council O Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS3S1.a) O Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss Board goals and objectives (October 24, 2002) O Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of Board goals and objectives CI Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program O Woodway Park site plan approval O Shenandoah Park site plan approval El Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (September 10, 2002) O Lincoln Center/Tarrow Park site plan approval O Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2.e) O Review and update submitted CIP list 0 Develop additional recommendations for the CIP • Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Bond Committee Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) Et Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (September 2002) El Staff review and update of Section V — Inventory and Facilities (September 2002) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval September 10, 2002 Council A1)1)101'611 Updated:October I I,2002 Page 1 of 3 CI Staff review and update of Section VI — Needs Assessment and Identification (September 2002) RI Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I, IV, and VI (October 2002) 1:1 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII — Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 2002) 0 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III— Plan Development Process (October 2002) O Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (January 2003) CI Public input period for the revised Master Plan (January 2003) O Board consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003) LI Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 2003) O City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan (April 2003) Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex O Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 O Complete Phase I development (VS2S2.d) (September 2002) O Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building O Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Spring 2003) O Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 O Review Needs Assessment and update as required 1:1 Develop revisions for Phase II recommendations Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park El Secure funding O Approve site plan O Complete construction Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park El Complete construction (September 2002) O Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.a) El Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator O Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways park,and Recreation.-Idvisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval. September 10, 2002 Council 1pproval Updated October 11,2002 Pac 2 of Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues O Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments and programs O Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track O Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex O Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (VS2S2.c) Identify potential new sources of revenue O Identify potential grant opportunities (October 8, 2002) O Investigate the potential for a donations program O Review user fees and develop recommendations Partiz 6. 1 Parks and Recreation Advicory Board licercation '"- FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Afte. Council Approval- City 01 Colicge 3ttion Updated-October I I,2002 Page 3 03 Texas Parks and Wildlife Grants and Assistance Grant Programs • Outdoor Recreation Grant O 50-50 matching grant O two grant cycles • Deadlines January 31 and July 31 O Acquire and develop parkland or renovate existing public recreation areas ® Maximum amount $500,000 • Indoor Recreation Grant O 50-50 matching grant ® One grant cycle ® Deadline July 31 • Construct recreation centers and other facilities ® Maximum amount $750,000 • Regional Park Grant ® 50-50 matching grant ® One grant cycle • Deadline variable ® Looks for interjurisdictional support and access, along with support of private/non-profit organizations and is part of master plan process • Maximum amount $1,000,000 Small Community Grant • 50-50 matching grant ® One grant cycle ® Deadlines January 31 • Used for development or beautification of parklands • Available only to communities with a population under 20,000 ® Maximum amount $50,000 + Community Outdoor Outreach Program Grant • No match required but helps in scoring ® two grant Cycles ® Deadlines October 1 and March 1 • Used to introduce under-served populations to the services, programs and facilities of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ® Minimum amount $5,000; maximum amount $30,000 + Recreational Trails Grant • Pass through Grant from Federal Highway bill grant e One grant cycle • Deadline June 1 • Build trails for hikers, cyclists, horseback riders and off-road vehicles etc. • Maximum amount $100,000 • Landowner Incentive Program Grant • Funded through non-profit, federal and state funds • Used to protect endangered species on private land • May be incorporated into existing grant projects without having to apply for separate grant • Used to bring private landowners and wildlife biologists together • Maximum amount $10,000 is normal limit but larger awards may be made • Boat Ramp Construction Grant • Pass through grant from federal Sport Fishing restoration Act • 75- 25 matching grant • Used for construction of public boat ramp facilities * Currently not accepting applications, all funds being used for State facilities • 1 oat Sewage Pump out Grant • Pass through grant from federal Clean Vessel Act • 75- 25 matching grant • Used for construction of public pump out and toilet dump stations e Currently not accepting applications, all funds being used for State facilities • Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant • Pass through grant from Federal Land and Water Conservation program being used to supplement Outdoor, Indoor and Regional grants • Shooting range Grant • Pass through Grant from National Hunter Education and Shooting Range Program • 75-25 matching grant * Projects may be submitted at any time, but will be presented to Texas Aprks and Wildlife Board once or twice a year • Construct, improve, or upgrade shooting range • Maximum amount dependent on project + Local Park Planning Assistance Program • Not a grant but technical assistance • Available only to Cities of less than 17,500 or counties of less than 28,000 • Applicant must send letter of need to Executive Director of Texas Parks and Wildlife iii, m m MAk m ip „„„„ line TASK START FINISH Timeline Workshop September 26 2002 September 26 2002 . Develop CAC Candidate List September 21 2002 November 20, 2002 CAC Candidate Workshop November 21, 2002 November 21, 2002 Appoint CAC December 5, 2002 December 5, 2002 Present Project List To Council • January 9, 2003 January 9, 2003 CAC Meetings Janua 10, 2003 April 24, 2003 Compilation of CAC Recommendations April 25, 2003 May 14, 2003 P&I review of CAC Recommendations May 15, 2003 June 5, 2003 Council Review CAC and P&Z Recommendations June 12, 2003 August 13, 2003 Adopt Ballot & Call for Election August 14, 2003 August 14 2003 inform Voters about CIP • August 15, 2003 November 3, 2003 Hold Bond Election November 4 2003 November 4, 2003 :, w� R.fn :;ic. err nJ. 4 ✓'ii i ��. .. F l .r�� ,��� �. y r ry l 6 F � 1, �� ifs• 'rr . +^l � �'�.�' ff .•r. E------- ' -DA ' I S NCE STAI\- 2002 MAINTENANCE FOR FY et® 77%® dc me PARK IVI,v SUMMARY . 3%® stand ds Met 0-0' SU-RV-El - - /0 Overall °0/7/: ofof Standards Met 85 . 1%® FY 002 rail standar et® 81- F- 2 1002 Ove ll % Of rds First Qunarterrt'er, FY 0-0-2 Overall 0/ of Standards iv Periods: QuarterlyPeriods: Quarter, FY 2- 02 overall ° FY 20 Qu_ Third Quarter, F Fourth Quarter, Competitive Fields Average%of standards met Categories . . s. West 85% South 74% 87% 76% 82% 86% 1. Athletic EFaasetilitie . 74% 85% 88% 91% Quarter 88% 81% 1st Qua Quarter 0/ 75% standards met , 92 0 Ln 1% Average%of75% 3rd Quarterr 9 4th Quarte 84% West Playgrounds South °/ 55 ° 83% 75% IL 88% 75% East3o/o 79% 89% 1st Quarter 8895% 84% 71% 83% 2nd Quarter 8107; Average%ooff88Ss58tt/Aaa°nnddaalidss met 3rd Quarterr 7z, 0 4th Quarter72% Picnic South 81% 89% III. 87% 83% 87% 90% 90% Facilities 8E8aosAt 82% Quarter 90% 83% 1St Qua Quarter 0/ 86% met , d 94 0 2nd Quarter 89% Average% 70% 3 r 4th Quarte 76% West w Tennis Courts 65% 80% South o 82% 1V. 62 4 61% East 83% 75% r10/0 66, Quarter 91% 780/0 68')/° ,_s, 870'" of Standards nlet Quarter 9:).°A) (i',) Liiid Quarter 90% erage / ,60/o \\ (.) 43th Quarter Courts \Vet 90()/0 920/0 South 7Y)0 96()" ,-)0 , >__. ' )>()/0 100"" 8 $5"q V. BasketbaEl(,,,1,1(s)/tu 71:"" , c,9 0 96"" 1:i td Quartet Quarter (,)4, ) 98", t Quartet (81, , 4111Quat tet VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 63% 77% 90% 77% 2"d Quarter 97% 86% 100% 94% 3rd Quarter 78% 89% 100% 89% 4th Quarter 82% 96% 100% 93% VII. Ponds East South West Average%ofStandardsmet 1st Quarter 43% 85% 57% 2"d Quarter 57% 75% 53% 62% 3rd Quarter 69% 71% 79% 73% 4th Quarter 45% 72% 62% 60% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 85% 79% 84% 83% 2nd Quarter 86% 82% 82% 83% 3rd Quarter 94% 80% 94% 89% 4th Quarter 81% 84% 89% 85% Overall District Averages East South West Overall% of Standards Met 1st Quarter 76% 81% 73%0 77% .., 2nd Quarter 86% 85% 77% 83% 3rd Quarter 88% 83% 85% 85% 4th Quarter 79% 85% 79% 81% NOTE: The Maintenance Standards for Parks Facilities and the Maintenance Standards Survey was revised during the fourth quarter. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDA ' IS MAJOR AREAS OF CONCERN I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields The Southwood Senior League and Little League baseball field fencing needs replacement. Much of the fence fabric is warped and many of the poles are bent. Money has been appropriated for replacing the fencing and bids are presently being requested. The softball field lights at Lemontree Park and Bee Creek Park are in need of replacement. The wiring is dilapidated and much of it is not secured. The light poles are not the required height. Much of the hardware connected to the wood utility type poles is loose. The softball field lighting at Lemontree Park is the worst of the two. IL Playgrounds The replacement of the Gabbard Park and Georgie K. Fitch play units has helped to meet standards in the Playground category. However, the most improvement is needed in the West District. The replacement of the Anderson Park play unit is presently underway and the replacement of the Hensel Park play unit is being planned. After replacing these two play units,the focus should shift to replacing the play units at Bee Creek Park and Southwood Athletic Park. All of the play units in the park system need"Age Appropriate" signs. Also,the fall zone in many of the play units needs to be dug out and refilled to the proper depth with new surface material. Replacement of the fall zone material will begin as soon as possible in FY 2003. IV. Tennis Courts The Bee Creek tennis courts are presently the worst courts in the park system. The courts have many large cracks and the fencing around the courts is seriously in need of replacemept. The fencing material is warped and the fence poles have shifted so much that much of the support bracing does not stay in place. With the budget increase for resurfacing tennis and basketball courts, the tennis court surfaces should be significantly improved within the next two years. VIII. Parks: General Parks Most of the drinking fountains do not meet ADA requirements for accessibility or usage. Each park should have at least one water fountain that meets ADA requirements. Water fountains are a high priced item and will be brought to standards as funds are available. The irrigation at Richard Carter Park is presently non-existent. Because of water use restrictions during drought conditions over the past several years this system had to be shut down. The drying and shifting of the clay soil caused numerous breaks in the water lines and the wiring. The replacement of this system is being planned for FY 2003. General Appearance Items Several park identification signs will be repainted in FY 2003. Irrigation controllers and electrical box covers will be put into aesthetically pleasing enclosure. Bare areas in the parks will be seeded, sodded, or mulched as needed. stationndards CitY c) ce Sta k - FY02 Par Maintenance 114 -1 --* . to e' f College l sit Quarter 02nd Quarter 3rd carter 4th Quarter et _- ...___.._.--____.. ._ ------------i--,--..,...' '--'41::' '.":i.t--,-1-.""--''."---:..::-.,r:--:H-"-.."'.--------.-'1---.--.--'-'"-- , . -- - -------i------.-----..".--11151t4'.1:::-:::-"-"--.'""--------------:.:.."..--'4'---"'-- --':'---'''' .-"..411.,...a.i.....:-..i..--."'...-:-::-.-.."."-."----.-:".":"...---.1th.' - :-...--.:"., 's -;c lit k• „ - ,',.. ....-..: t ..,. ..., Ifiii :j.�1.zklyma 3� r":1stIII' ,3r« p f�+- ..... 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Message Page 1 of 1 Kris Lehde -Joint Meeting with Council Oct 24 From: "George NAIR. (Bill) Davis" <bill@pianoplace.net> To: 'Kris Lehdem <klehde@ci.college-station.tkus> Date: 9/16/2002 6:08 PM Subject: Joint Meeting with Council Oct 24 I am already scheduled for an all day repair session on Oct 24th. It's possible I may be able to get to the meeting around 5pm. I know I can't make a 3:30 time frame. Bill Davis, Registered Piano Technician The Piano Place 1219 Boswell St College Station TX 77840 www.pianoplace.net file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\klehde.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW100006.1...F 9/17/2002 670 '4460? Application for City Boards/Commissions Committees for Year 4200:1 LLLGLSTA11ON CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME: 0bbie- J Sint TELEPHONE: 126 - (H) ADDRESS: /11 00 SR. 3o 6011ple ‘45-1011 ,73( ')71ç($'2714)7q--(010"--7-23diW) Residence: Mailing: I have lived in College Station /0 yrs. 0-- Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. co OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: j ? 117(5-. ° cent eat - (If retired,please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (Optional): oTelpt hrs . ottet,e_ PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Otis /o * et 11 r .S gime. C.5. IP Z. te2 L—At ,044 ADDITIONAL PERTINENT Stodgy se,6001 ADDITIO 1NFORMATION/REFERENCES: nor el ::00/ ,/0 ee PLEASE INDICATE HE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference). Non- Standing Committees Standing Committees El 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. in Cemetery Committee Dist. Community Appearance Committee B/CS Economic Development Board CI Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Tourism Council Appeals 171 City Center Site Selection & Master Plan El CS Business Development Corporation Committee El Electrical Examining Board CI Conference Center Advisory Committee Facade Improvement Committee Greenways Task Force fl Historic Preservation Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee fl Joint Relief Funding Review fl Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee II Library Committee Northgate Revitalization Board El Parks and Recreation Board El Planning and Zoning Commission El Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board CI Zoning Board of Adjustments (Sig :ture of Applicant) (Date) Please indicate if you are currently serving on a board/commission/committee Name of Board/Commission PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842 APPOINTED TO ON (Board/Commission/Committee) (Date of Appointment) o:counciliapply3.doc