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Jason Schubert
6/4/2007 5:32 pm
Hillel concept plan comments
CC: fcorrales@sparchitects.com
I have attached comments for the above -referenced project. Since the $200 concept plan application fee
was paid, the material submitted is now a formal project and I am able to provide comments regarding it.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
Email Correspondence with Applicant/Owner
Jason Schubert
Hitchcock, Molly
4/23/2007 1:21 pm
Re: Richard 713.522.1666
Molly, found nothing in the Traditions file to help. In the City garage file, there was no site plan but I found a response
comment stating the "parking spaces are 9'-0" wide x 18'-0" deep (including a maximum 2'-0" overhang)." I'm not
sure if that means 18+2=20 or 16+2=18. What do you think?
The next response comment refers to the number of handicap spots on each level and that they had to replace "two
small car spaces" with a handicap space. I think that might mean we don't regulate them (except for the number and
ADA handicap stuff) since we don't have "small car" spaces. Agree?
>>> Molly Hitchcock 4/23/2007 11:06 am >>>
Richard @ Spencer Architects would like to know if they can provide 9x18 parking spaces in their parking garage. I
can't remember, but I don't think we regulate the size of spaces inside a garage. Please pull the garage info for
Traditions and our parking garage. There was also a project on Church St. in NG -2 (it might have been NG -1 --
whatever the old mud lot is?), that had a garage but never came to fruition. Please take a look at those.
He'd like a call back today, then someone new will probably be confirming on Wed.
Molly Hitchcock
Jason Schubert
4/23/2007 3:51 pm
Re: Richard 713.522.1666
Crissy Hard; jflo; JP; Lindsay Boyer
Let's make the call: we do not regulate the size of a typical parking space within a private parking garage.
From: Josh Norton
To: Corrales, Fernando
Date: 4/26/2007 10:44 am
Subject: TAMU Hillel
CC: Fogle, Ken; Hitchcock, Molly; Schubert, Jason
This e-mail is in regards to the questions you had regarding drainage and access.
This development will need to meet the minimum requirement of the most recently adopted BCS Unified Storm water
Guidelines. These guidelines may be found at bcsunited.net. The increased run-off will need to be mitigated,
obviously one mitigation option is to do on-site detention. This development's drainage impacts on the surrounding
properties is certainly a concern.
Access along Dexter will not be allowed as the proposed driveway does not meet the minimum spacing requirement
of 175 -ft on a minor collector. Variances to this requirement are processed through the DRB (Design Review Board).
Additional information is needed regarding the existing alley (ie. ownership, size, etc.) I would also encourage
communication with the adjacent property owner concerning the future of the alley. If the alley is proven to be public,
one solution may be to dedicate additional ROW and improve the alley to meet the minimum public alley/fire lane
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Josh Norton, E.I.T.
Graduate Civil Engineer
Public Works Department
City of College Station
P. O. Box 9960
College Station, Texas 77842
Ph: (979) 764-6221
Fx: (979) 764-3496
Peggy Calliham
Schubert, Jason
5/2/2007 3:55 pm
Re: HOA contacts
Actually, Glenn sent me the note and I talked with Don Reiser, the Hillel contact who was my childhood neighbor. I
referred him to Bill Lancaster, who lives right behind Hillel and Gaines West, Pres. Oakwood HOA plus suggested
they talk with Rector at St Thomas Episcopal.
But I am attaching my current contact list for each HOA. I get updated frequently so you may want to check back if
you use it again in a month or two.
Thanks for your guidance today.
>>> Jason Schubert 5/2/2007 3:50 PM >>>
I meant to ask you at the PAC for some HOA/neighborhood contacts we may have. I had a PAC last week for the
Hillel Student Center at 800 George Bush Dr (at the intersection with Dexter). The applicant is wanting to potentially
redevelop the site and has asked for neighborhood contacts in the area. It appears College Park and South
Oakwood subdivisions are in the immediate vicinity. Do you have contact for these or other nearby neighborhood
group? Let me know.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jason Schubert
To: fcorrales@sparchitects.com
Date: 5/3/2007 1:17 pm
Subject: TAMU Hillel Center proposal
It was good to be able to speak to you this morning regarding this project. As requested, I have listed contact
information for the surrounding area/properties:
1) Oakwood Home Owner's Association: Ms. Gaines West, President, 979.694.7000,
gaines.west@westwebblaw.com. This HOA is east and south of St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
2) We do not have a contact for the College Park subdivision (or know if one exists). This property is on the
northeastern most edge of the subdivision. However, the owner of the properties immediately to the south is William
(Bill) Lancaster. From the phone book, his contact information is 303 Dexter, 979.696.5256.
3) St. Thomas Episcopal Church: Rev. Bill Fowler, 979.696.1726, Church Office(&,StThomasBCS.org
4) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints - Institute of Religion: Tom McMullin, Director, 979.696.8202
Hopefully this information helps you develop a proposal that addresses the concerns of the neighborhood. If the
Comprehensive Plan and zoning were amended and the concept plan approved, a site plan application would then
need to be processed through our department. As I mentioned on the phone, because of the extent of what you are
proposing, I have concerns that it will be difficult to meet all the site plan requirements in order to be approved (such
as landscaping/ streetscaping in LIDO 7.5). Please take the time to review our site plan application to consider all of
the implications of your proposal. As always, let me know if I can assist you further.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@sparchitects.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/15/2007 3:45 pm
Subject: RE: Hillel at Texas A&M comments
CC: "Gordon Spencer" <GSpencer@s parch itects.com>, "...
In reading some of the comments on Document 07-00500102, you state that the re -zoning application is not the
specific PDD/P-mud application that needs to be completed. This was the form given to us be the planning and
development department during our previous meeting. Can you forward me the form that needs to be completed?
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
From: Jason Schubert
To: Corrales, Fernando
Date: 5/15/2007 3:59 pm
Subject: RE: Hillel at Texas A&M comments
I have attached the application. Besides the check boxes at the top of the first page, you will notice the only
difference between the applications is a purpose statement and list of uses on the second page. As mentioned in
Comment #3, please approximate the percentage of uses when listing them.
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@sparchitects.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/17/2007 11:09 am
Subject: RE: Hillel at Texas A&M comments
CC: "Gordon Spencer" <GSpencer@sparchitects.com>
ONE QUESTION: The comprehensive plan application asks for the land use classification of all abutting
properties.... The only abutting property is the church. I am assuming it is Institutional also, is this correct?
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston. TX 77019
Jason Schubert
Corrales, Fernando
5/17/2007 11:18 am
RE: Hillel at Texas A&M comments
That is correct, the church to the east is also Institutional. You mentioned on the phone that contact was being made
with the neighbors. I'm curious, have you or will you have a meeting or will it be only through phone/email? I know
P&Z and Council will ask if you have reached out to the neighborhood and how that went. Also, do you know which
of the alternatives will be chosen?
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@sparchitects.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/17/2007 3:56 pm
Subject: RE: Hillel at Texas A&M comments
CC: "Gordon Spencer" <GSpencer@sparchitects.com>
You have been very helpful. Thanks for all the input. We are going to go with the concept plan as a separate
submittal per the current ordinance guidelines. I made the changes to the percentages per our conversation.
We know exceed 20% residential and 20% non-residential. We have talked to the property owner of the land behind
Hillel and have set up a meeting on May 25th to talk to the church next door. The owner is scheduling meetings with
the community and I will keep you updated. Again thanks. I should have the updated drawings and forms to you on
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
fcorrales[ sparchitects.com
From: "Peter Tarlow" <ptarlow@alphal .net>
To: <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/18/2007 11:26 am
Subject: Re: FW: Hillel Rezoning request comments
I am training police in Bermuda today; home tomorrow and Will send
comments (if there are any) on Sunday. Thank you!
> -----Original Message-----
• From: Jason Schubert [mailto:Jschubert @cstx.govl
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 5:07 PM
> To: Hillel@startel.net
> Subject: Hillel Rezoning request comments
> I have been designated as the project manager for the above -referenced > Rezoning request and have attached
staff comments for your review. Please > let me know if you have any questions.
> Regards,
> Jason
> Jason Schubert
> Staff Planner
> Planning & Development Services
> City of College Station
> Phone: 979.764.3570
> Fax: 979.764.3496
Jason Schubert
Tarlow, Peter
5/18/2007 12:51 pm
Re: Hillel Rezoning request comments
Rabbi Tarlow,
I hope your trip is going well, sounds nice. The Hillel is the only contact listed on the applications. If you are not
aware, after hearing your voicemail that the Hillel is closed for the summer I contacted the architect in Houston and
forwarded the comments to them to make sure someone was aware of them. I know they have been working on
them and they have likely been in contact with you. Let me know if I assist you or provide any more clarification.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jason Schubert
To: fcorrales@sparchitects.com
Date: 5/18/2007 5:12 pm
Subject: Hillel meeting contact
As a courtesy to our citizens, the City of College Station places signs on properties that are having an upcoming
public hearing. We placed the Comp. Plan Amendment and Rezoning signs on the Hillel property this morning and
I've already received a few calls regarding it.
I know you mentioned that some meetings have been set up for next week. Are any of these meetings open to the
neighborhood at large? If so or if not, is there a contact that I can provide regarding the proposal or the upcoming
meetings? I believe this will be beneficial to appropriately address the concerns of the neighborhood. Let me know.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@sparchitects.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/21/2007 9:43 am
Subject: RE: Hillel meeting contact
There is an all neighborhood meeting being organized for Friday the 25 at 3:30 .... This meeting is being organized by
the Owner (Hillel).
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@ spa rchitects. com >
To: "Jason Schubert' <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
CC: "Gordon Spencer" <GSpencer@sparchitects.com>
Date: 5/29/2007 2:28 PM
Subject: 062599 Hillel Student Center and University Condos
Per your conversation with Gordon Spencer, we would like to put a hold on the Hillel Student Center/University
Condominium project for one month. We would like to re -schedule the planning and zoning commission meeting for
July 19th and the City Council meeting for August 9th.. During this time we are reorganizing ourselves per comments
made during our meeting with the civic association. Per comments made at that meeting we are removing the
retail/commercial functions from the ground floor. We will re-evaluate all the percentages required for the P -Mud
district before moving forward. Thanks.
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
From: Molly Hitchcock
To: Bridgette George; Jason Schubert; Lance Simms
Date: 5/31/2007 10:20 am
Subject: Re: Hillel concept plan
I believe it would be up to Hillel as to whether or not they wish their concept plan go as part of the rezoning
ordinance. If their request remains a PDD rezoning (even if significantly altered), I do not believe that we would call it
a new application and require all new fees and the concept plan. Although, I do believe that they now have the option
to officially take the concept plan (maybe ask for a new, revised application, but only charge for the renotification
Clear as mud?!
Thanks for the reminder on the application change!!
>>> Jason Schubert 5/31/2007 9:25 AM >>>
Molly and Bridgette,
The concept plan was officially submitted last week and I have until Monday to make comments. I think this could be
an opportune time to let them know how their holding off affects their rezoning/concept plan applications. We may
have to refer to Legal on these but I thought I'd ask you first.
Would the concept plan now be a part of the rezoning ordinance? Or because of their application date, would the
process stay the same if they don't change their request? Would a substantially change require compliance with the
new amendment? I don't know if they have a preference either way.
Since the concept plan amendment passed, I believe it would be in effect for the June 4th submission date. If so, I
think we need to update our applications to reflect the changes.
Let me know what you think.
From: Jason Schubert
To: Hillel@startel.net
Date: 6/4/2007 5:32 pm
Subject: Hillel concept plan comments
CC: fcorrales@sparchitects.com
I have attached comments for the above -referenced project. Since the $200 concept plan application fee was paid,
the material submitted is now a formal project and I am able to provide comments regarding it. Let me know if you
have any questions.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jason Schubert
To: fcorrales@sparchitects.com
Date: 6/14/2007 2:25 pm
Subject: Hillel project
I hadn't spoken to you in a while, it was good to talk to you. As mentioned, I have attached our submittal deadline
sheet for your review. It shows the deadlines to meet corresponding P&Z and Council meetings. Here are three
options for you:
1) If the project increases in land area or has a different location, we will need new applications that reflect those
substantial changes and it will go to meetings based on the deadline met (i.e. June 18th for the July 19th P&Z, etc).
2) If you would like the concept plan considered with the rezoning, you still need to meet the deadline with a new
application (no application fee, though legal notice fees will be assessed).
3) If you would like to proceed with the current proposal, please submit the additional information already requested
by June 25th at 10am to make the July 19th meeting (along with the notice fees). You know the opposition to that
proposal but it is an option for you.
Sorry for the details, I'm just trying to make sure you know the available options. Let me know if you have questions.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@sparchitects.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 6/15/2007 3:46 pm
Subject: RE: Hillel project
CC: "Gordon Spencer" <GSpencer@sparchitects.com>
Thanks for the schedule information. At the present time we are looking at our options and are having discussions
with the developer and the owner in regards to what direction to take. We will need to postpone planning -zoning and
city council meetings another month. We have several options. I have seen your comments on the concept plan and
we will take those also into consideration in our decision. Again thanks.
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
From: Bob Cowell
To: Jason Schubert
Date: 6/15/2007 4:01 pm
Subject: Re: Fwd: Hillel project
Thanks Jason. I will forward this information to Glenn and Terry
From: Jason Schubert
To: fcorrales@sparchitects.com
Date: 6/21/2007 11:32 am
Subject: Interactive map
As requested, here is a link that will get you to the map: http://www.cstx.gov/home/index.asp?page=2000
Once on the page, click on the General Map, which will bring up a new browser with an interactive map. You can
zoom into the area you are looking at. There are also various features on the tool bar such as Measure and Identify
and lots of different layers you can add. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
Jason Schubert
7/27/2007 10:50 AM
Hillel project status
How are you doing? Hopefully staying dry. Anyway, I wanted to check to see if you were still working on a proposal
for the Hillel site. Either way, is the one submitted in May withdrawn and something else being work on? Let me
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales@sparchitects.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
CC: "Gordon Spencer" <GSpencer@sparchitects.com>
Date: 7/27/2007 11:01 AM
Subject: RE: Hillel project status
At the moment we are still reviewing several options. The one submitted in May could be modified if we get the
property behind Aberdeen. There are several other options also. As soon as we research a conclusion we will get in
contact with you. Thanks for all your help.
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
Email Correspondence with Neighborhood/Adjacent Properties
From: Jason Schubert
To: ChurchOffice@StThomasBCS.org
Date: 5/18/2007 5:29 pm
Subject: Hillel proposal
As requested, I am responding to your inquiry regarding the proposal next door at the Hillel Foundation. I have been
assigned as the City's project manager for Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) and Rezoning applications they
have submitted for consideration. The CPA request is to change their "Institutional" land use designation to "Planned
Development." If that is approved, it would allow them to pursue a rezoning from R-1, Single -Family Residential
(places of worship are allowed in all zoning districts) to P -MUD (Planned Mixed -Use District). This change will allow
them to build a new facility along with condo units on the floors above. If you are not aware, their proposal is quite
ambitious with a large structure. In order to be approved, there are a lot of issues that would need to be resolved
beyond whether the rezoning is approved or not.
You should be receiving legal notices that were sent out today to notify for a upcoming public hearing. All property
owners within 200' of the proposal receive the notice. As currently scheduled, a public hearing would be held before
the Planning & Zoning Commission on June 7th and before the City Council on June 28th.
In speaking with the architect for the applicant, they mentioned that a meeting has been set up on May 25th with the
neighborhood and also with your church. I am not aware of who they have contacted specifically but I know the Hillel
Rabbi has been involved in setting things up. I hope this information has been helpful. Please let me know if you
have any questions and I'll be glad to assist you.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Hugh Stearns <hugh@stearnsconstruction.biz>
To: Gaines West <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
Date: 5/21/2007 5:18 pm
Subject: Re: New Building at Corner of George Bush and Dexter
CC: "Barrett, Brian" <brianb@suddenlink.net>, "Barr...
I just got off the phone with Jason Schubert, who is copied here. The
architect and developer will meet with neighbors this Friday the 25th at
the Hillel at 3:30. This is short notice and during the workday;
hopefully a lot of us will be able to be there to hear what they have in
mind and to express our concerns. - Hugh Stearns
Gaines West wrote:
> Hays Glover has just written you about a proposed project at this
> location. Here is what I learned about it just today. I talked with
> Jason Schubert, with the City of College Station, and he told me that a
> group of investors want to build a multi -story multi -use building where
> the Hillel Foundation building now stands at the corner of Dexter and
> George Bush. The proposed plans filed with the City designate a
> building design that would cover most of their 1 acre tract. The
> building would consist of 4 floors of parking, one floor for the Hillel
> Foundation and then multiple floors for condominium units. At last
> count, as I understand it, they want an additional 5 floors to make the
> building 157 feet in height. The "footprint" of the building on the
> ground would consist of 28,000 square feet.
> Mr. Schubert explained that not only would the developers have to change
> the use of the property from "institutional" to "planned development,"
> but they would also need to change the zoning from R-1, that it is
> designated now. In addition they would have to get height permission to
> build a building to that level and they would have drainage,
> ingress/egress issues, landscaping concerns and setback issues.
> There is a hearing set before P&Z for Thursday night June 7, 2007 and
> then for the Thursday June 28, 2007 City Council meeting. Fortunately
> we will have our regularly scheduled Neighborhood Association meeting
> which is now set for the Tuesday night the 5th of June at 7pm at the
> College Station Conference Center. We can discuss this issue in more
> detail at our meeting.
> OF JUNE ON YOUR CALENDARS. These will be important dates and meetings
> for our neighborhood.
> Other news: I will meet with Ben White this week concerning our
> neighborhood issues and invite him to a future Oakwood Neighborhood
> Association meeting.
> I'm glad we have our Association chugging along so that we may provide
> input into projects like the one proposed at the corner of Dexter and
> George Bush Ave. Remember, we have a wonderful neighborhood and a great
> opportunity to work together. I look forward to seeing you on June 5th
> at 7pm in the College Station Conference Center.
> If I hear more about the skyscraper project I will email you more. Gaines
From: Jason Schubert
To: gaines.west@westweblaw.com
Date: 5/22/2007 4:58 pm
Subject: New Building at Corner of George Bush and Dexter
Mr. West,
I am following up on two items from our conversation yesterday. First, as you know, the owner and developer have
set up an open meeting at the Hillel this Friday, May 25th at 3:30pm for all to come and hear their presentation. From
what I've been told, they also have a meeting scheduled with you that morning and another one with St. Thomas in
the early afternoon. Hopefully these interactions will help the applicant know and address the significant concerns of
their proposal.
Second, you expressed a desire to obtain the materials that have been submitted by the applicant. All applications
made to the City are public record and are available. You may either come and view them in person or if you would
like a copy of them, an Open Records Request will need to be processed to receive them. A more convenient
alternative is to view the documents on our City's website. Here's how to view them:
1) Go to www,cstx.gov;
2) Click on "Planning & Development Services" link on the left under the "I Want To..." column;
3) Click on "Submitted Projects" on the right under the "Featured Links" column;
4) The projects are alphabetized by project name, so click on the letter "T" to go to "The Hillel at Texas A&M
5) You will see three projects with that title: the Comp. Plan Amendment (project #7-500103), Rezoning (# 7-500102),
and Concept Plan (# 7-500126).
6) Once you click on "View Details" of the project of your choosing you may view the various materials by clicking on
"Documents" in the left-hand column.
I believe that reviewing the applications for all three will be of interest to you. Also, a conceptual rendering of the
building is in the Comp Plan project within the "Supporting Documents/Drawings" document. Hopefully this
information has been helpful to you. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
Jason Schubert
5/23/2007 8:26 am
Proposal at Corner of George Bush and Dexter
I attempted to send this to you yesterday but it was undeliverable because I mistyped your address with only one "b."
"Gaines West" <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
"Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
5/23/2007 3:11 pm
RE: Proposal at Corner of George Bush and Dexter
Thanks gw
5/23/2007 11:57 am
Message status - undeliverable
The message that you sent was undeliverable to the following
rhschlofs@tamu.edu (550 <rhschlofs(a-�tamu.edu>: Recipient address rejected: U
ser unknown in local recipient table)
Possibly truncated original message follows:
College Station. Heart of the Research Valley.
Jason Schubert
5/23/2007 11:53 am
Proposal at the corner of George Bush & Dexter
I thought I'd go ahead and email you this information too. It sounds like that you have contacts in College Park/West
Park that the City does not have since that area does not have a HOA/Neighborhood Association registered with the
City. To reiterate, two public hearings have been scheduled regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and
Rezoning proposals. They are:
Planning & Zoning Commission: June 7th at 7pm in City Hall Council Chambers
City Council: June 28th at 7pm in City Hall Council Chambers
I sent the following information to Gaines West this morning and I thought it might be helpful if I forward this
First, the Hillel and developer have set up an open meeting at the Hillel this Friday, May 25th at 3:30pm for all to
come and hear their presentation. Hopefully this interaction will help the applicant know and address the significant
concerns being expressed about their proposal.
Second, all applications made to the City are public record and are available. You may either come and view them in
person or if you would like a copy of them, an Open Records Request will need to be processed to receive them. A
more convenient alternative is to view the documents on our City's website. Here's how to view them:
1) Go to www.cstx.gov;
2) Click on "Planning & Development Services" link on the left under the "I Want To..." column;
3) Click on "Submitted Projects" on the right under the "Featured Links" column;
4) The projects are alphabetized by project. name, so click on the letter "T" to go to "The Hillel at Texas A&M
5) You will see three projects with that title: the Comp. Plan Amendment (project #7-500103), Rezoning (# 7-500102),
and Concept Plan (# 7-500126).
6) Once you click on "View Details" of the project of your choosing you may view the various materials by clicking on
"Documents" in the left-hand column. I believe that reviewing the applications for all three will be of interest to you.
Also, a conceptual rendering of the building is in the Comp Plan project within the "Supporting Documents/Drawings"
Hopefully this information has been helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jeannie/Jeannette McCandless <jeanniewmc@yahoo.com>
To: <jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/23/2007 6:55 pm
Subject: Proposed Rezoning for Multi -use Structure
We want to express our opposition to what we have been told would be involved in the structure that is being
proposed at the corner of George Bush Drive and Dexter.
Although we have been given slightly different information about what all would be include in the structure the
recurring theme is provisions for multiple floors for parking, one floor for the Hillel Foundation, perhaps a floor for
retail stores and multiple floors of condominiums rising to a height of 157 feet. The site is less than one acre in size
and is adjacent to a church and a day school for young children. This entire area has constricted space available for
vehicular traffic at this time. Aberdeen is a very short narrow street with access to Dexter and it is a lot size portion
portion before Dexter intersects George Bush Drive.
This proposed building is totally inappropriate at this location. There are so many concerns with size, height, traffic,
safety and appropriateness of this structure in that location that we could spend literally pages in expressing all of the
concerns and objections that we have. Suffice it to say, we find it incredulous that anyone would consider this a
viable proposal.
Jeannie and Charles McCandless
310 Suffolk Avenue
College Station, TX 77840-3020
From: Jason Schubert
To: McCandless, Jeannie/Jeannette
Date: 5/24/2007 8:28 am
Subject: Re: Proposed Rezoning for Multi -use Structure
Mrs. McCandless,
Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. I agree that there are significant issues with what they are proposing.
I have provided Mr. West some information that I hope has been able circulate through the neighborhood. The Hillel
has scheduled an open meeting for all interested parties to hear their proposal. It has been scheduled for tomorrow,
May 25th, at 3:30pm at the Hillel. While this is their meeting, I plan to be in attendance to observe how they address
the concerns that you have expressed. Again, thank you for taking the time to share them with me and I will probably
see you at some point in the process.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jeannie/Jeannette McCandless <jeanniewmc@yahoo.com>
To: Jason Schubert <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/24/2007 12:44 pm
Subject: Re: Proposed Rezoning for Multi -use Structure
We want to express our appreciation for providing information on how we could access the supporting documentation
for the proposed changes. It certainly gives us a better understand of what they are proposing and does absolutely
nothing to diminish our concerns.
Thank you,
Jeannie McCandless
From: "john price" <john-price@verizon.net>
To: <jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/24/2007 4:59 pm
Subject: Hillel Project
CC: <gaines.west@westwebblaw. com>, "Mike Deutsch" <...
Mr. Schubert:
My family and I have lived in the Southside Historic District since 2004 and will soon complete the renovation of our
new home at 716 Park Place. We have chosen to remain in this area because it is a real neighborhood. The people
are friendly, know each other and watch out for each other, especially the older residents. On any evening you can
find people walking and stopping to talk to their neighbors. Many residents are third or fourth generation. The majority
of the residents are University Faculty or employees - either active or retired, business owners and professional
people. Southside is one of the few areas in College Station that has large, beautiful trees and despite its proximity to
George Bush is remarkably quiet. It is the oldest residential neighborhood in College Station. The beauty and
attractiveness of the neighborhood has led many people to renovate homes that were originally built in the 1930s -
before College Station was even a city. Our neighborhood has long been a selling point for attracting people to
relocate to College Station.
The proposed Hillel Foundation project at George Bush and Dexter is completely inappropriate given the character of
the Southside area. The building as designed constitutes an unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the surrounding
properties, will lower property values throughout the neighborhood and exacerbate a growing noise, traffic and
parking problem on George Bush Drive and the Southside streets that lead to it. The number of waivers and changes
in zoning that will be required to accomodate the project are not justifiable given the limited number of parties who will
benefit versus the large number of property owners who will be hurt. We do not understand why Hillel would choose
to alienate the neighborhood with whom they have coexisted for years, but that is what will happen if they press
forward with their plans.
It would be sad, indeed, if a city that is home to one of the most tradition -oriented Universities in the country were to
ignore its own history.
John R. Price
306 Lee Avenue
College Station, Texas
From: Sandi Hoekstra <sandihoek@yahoo.com>
To: <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/25/2007 3:01 pm
Subject: Hillel property proposed change
My husband, Bruce, and I live at 210 Lee Avenue. We have lived in College Station for almost five years and were
delighted to find a house in this small historic district. While I understand that the city recently has said that these few
blocks off George Bush Drive do not have a historic district designation, the area is charming with many homes
exhibiting pre -WW2 styles. To rezone a property in this neighborhood at George Bush Drive and Dexter will
negatively affect the desirability of the homes in this area, as well as their property values. We are AGAINST the
rezoning of the property on which the Hillel Foundation currently owns a building. A building of this size will have a
dramatic impact on the traffic flow and life style of the existing neighborhood residents.
Sandi and Bruce Hoekstra
210 Lee Ave.
From: <JCB2AM@aol.com>
To: <jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/27/2007 3:03 pm
Subject: Hillel construction
Mr. Schubert,
I own the house at 304 West Dexter in the historical area of College
Station. I have recently become aware of Hillel requesting permission from the
City of College Station to tear down there current building and build an 11 or
12 story building in its place. I am vehemently opposed to this plan. The
historical integrity of the Southside community will be severely damaged if
they are allowed to do this. The building would be an eyesore for those of us
who live in Southside and it will also create a huge traffic problem on
Dexter and George Bush Drive. College Station should do whatever is necessary to
protect the history of Southside for future generations.
Thank you,
Joni Cope
304 West Dexter
College Station
5/27/2007.7:13 pm
Hillel zoning
I have a home at 600 W. Dexter that is a historic home. I would like to
voice my opinion about the rezoning of the property at the corner of George Bush
and Dexter. A building of the type that Hillel is proposing does not fit in
the historic district and will adversely effect the traffic that already is
difficult. It will also negatively effect the property values of the homes that
many of us have worked so hard to preserve. We are all proud of our homes and
have tried to maintain them so as to keep the historic value for ourselves,
fellow citizens, visitors, and the city. This rezoning would not be for the
better and would not fit in the district. I urge the city to deny the
rezoning. Thank you, Rick and Candy Cashen '02
From: Chris Scotti
To: AgingPach02@aol.com
Date: 5/30/2007 12:54 am
Subject: Re: FW: Hillel zoning
CC: jschubert@cstx.gov
Hi Rick,
I just wanted to let you know I got this and noted your concerns. I didn't realize your house was right there. As this
gets closer to the actual decision, I will undoubtedly contact you as a resource in evaluating this.
p.s. I forwarded this to, and replied from my cstx.gov address for Open Records Act reasons.
>>> "Chris Scotti" <chrisCaD.chrisscotti.com> 05/29/07 11:43 PM >>>
From: AgingPach02 aol.com [mailto:AgingPach02 aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 7:12 PM
To: ischubert@cstx.gov
Cc: Chris Scotti
Subject: Hillel zoning
I have a home at 600 W. Dexter that is a historic home. I would like to voice my opinion about the rezoning of the
property at the corner of George Bush and Dexter. A building of the type that Hillel is proposing does not fit in the
historic district and will adversely effect the traffic that already is difficult. It will also negatively effect the property
values of the homes that many of us have worked so hard to preserve. We are all proud of our homes and have tried
to maintain them so as to keep the historic value for ourselves, fellow citizens, visitors, and the city. This rezoning
would not be for the better and would not fit in the district. I urge the city to deny the rezoning. Thank you, Rick and
Candy Cashen '02
From: Jason Schubert
To: gaines.west@westwebblaw.com
Date: 5/29/2007 4:25 pm
Subject: Hillel proposal postponed
Mr. West,
As per the correspondence below, the Hillel proposal has been postponed from the June 7th meeting. They are
postponing until at least the July 19th meeting. As has already been sent out, legal notification will be sent out again
when the meeting date has been set.
Please forward this information to the neighborhood association and anyone else that has been notified. I would also
encourage continued communication with the applicant to help facilitate another site or other acceptable alternatives.
Let me know if you would still like to meet tomorrow morning.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
>>> "Fernando Corrales" <fcorrales ansparchitects.com> 5/29/2007 2:27:26 pm »>
Per your conversation with Gordon Spencer, we would like to put a hold
on the Hillel Student Center/University Condominium project for one
month. We would like to re -schedule the planning and zoning commission
meeting for July 19th and the City Council meeting for August 9th.
During this time we are reorganizing ourselves per comments made during
our meeting with the civic association. Per comments made at that
meeting we are removing the retail/commercial functions from the ground
floor. We will re-evaluate all the percentages required for the P -Mud
district before moving forward. Thanks.
Fernando Corrales
Spencer Partnership Architects
(713) 522-1666
(713) 522-6260 (fax)
2323 S. Shepherd, Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77019
From: "Gaines West" <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
To: "Jason Schubert' <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/30/2007 8:25 am
Subject: RE: Hillel proposal postponed
Thanks Jason - yes I would still like to meet. I will see you at
10:30am. gaines
Gaines West
From: "Nadine Stuth" <nrstuth@hotmail.com>
To: <jchubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 5/30/2007 6:08 pm
Subject: Hillel Center Proposal
I am a resident of West Dexter near the Hillel Center at the corner of
George Bush and Dexter.
Upon returning from a three week trip I discovered a printed copy of an
email mixed in with my mail. This paper stated that the Hillel Center has
applied for a change in zoning to enable the Center to construct a 12 story
building on the corner of George Bush and Dexter.
I find this almost unimaginable as that seems such a small site for such a
large building. If this is a real proposal and you are soliciting
neighborhood feedback I want to add my name to the list of those opposed to
this proposal. The destruction of the "Historic District" and the increased
traffic congestion plus just the aesthetics of such a large building
towering over its neighbors and crammed on to such a small land area make
this an idea that needs to be shelved or moved elsewhere.
Nadine R Stuth
506 West Dexter
College Station, Texas 77840
Jason Schubert
cooperl @cullums.org
6/5/2007 12:03 pm
email test
As requested, here is my email. I'll let you know of any developments with the Hillel project if they choose to proceed.
Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jerry Cooper <cooperl @cullums.org>
To: Jason Schubert <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 6/5/2007 12:17 pm
Subject: Re: email test
Came through in fine style. Thanks for keeping me informed.
Jerry C.
From: "Gaines West" <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 6/8/2007 9:20 am
Subject: FW: Thank you for your forthrightness.
Jason, here is a copy of an email I sent to Rabbi Tarlow as the result of our Oakwood Neighborhood Association
meeting last Tuesday evening - and his response to me. The Oakwood Neighborhood Association also intends to
oppose the City staff recommendation that the use of the Hillel tract be changed to Planned Development. We
believe that there are no compelling reasons that have been expressed thus far for the Comprehensive Plan to be
Thank you for providing information to me. I will continue to discuss our position openly and I will be happy to meet
with anyone concerning these issues. gaines
Gaines West
From: Rabbi Peter Tarlow [mailto: ptarlow(cDstartel. net]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:52 PM
To: Gaines West
Cc: dreiser(a)gydr.com
Subject: Thank you for your forthrightness.
I want to thank you for your forthrightness and openness. I too enjoyed our conversation at your office. We are
currently examining all of our options. Once again, I want to thank you for being so expressive. B'shalom/In peace,
Peter Tarlow
Rabbi Tarlow, the Oakwood Neighborhood Association met last Tuesday evening the 5th of June. The
Association has authorized me, as its President, after a discussion and vote, to notify the City of College Station that
the Association is opposed to your project as previously outlined and presented. Our opposition will be to the
Change of Use designation from "Institutional/Religious" to "Planned Development". The Association believes that the
reasoning that you put forward, in support of your previously proposed project, does not warrant a change of the
City's Comprehensive Plan. The Oakwood Neighborhood Association will also oppose a zoning change should the
Change of Use be recommended by the P&Z Commission and approved by the City Council.
I understand that the project that you previously proposed has been withdrawn and that another application
with similar parameters and proposals will soon be submitted to the City so that the P&Z Commission can consider
your application for a Change of Use on July 19, 2007. If your new proposal involves condominium units, and or
other commercial uses, the Oakwood Neighborhood Association will strongly oppose any use and/or zoning change.
The Oakwood Neighborhood Association believes that upgrading your current facility for a use consistent with what it
has been used for over the last 50 + years would of course be welcome, so long as any such improvement fits the
use and zoning parameters now in existence.
We want to remain good neighbors and encourage uses for our neighborhood that are consistent with the
historic single family residential character of our neighborhood. Your project has unified our neighborhood efforts to
work together to be certain that what we now enjoy, and have shared with you as a good neighbor through the years,
will continue unabated in the future.
Thank you for the courtesy of coming to my office on Thursday May 24, 2007 to discuss your proposal. I
enjoyed meeting you and I hope that your new proposal that you intend on presenting to the City will be scaled back
to include a use that is consistent with current parameters. If it does not we as a Neighborhood Association will have
no other option than to vigorously oppose your request.
For your information other homeowners from neighborhoods West of our Association also attended our
meeting. In fact we had two such meetings to discuss your previous proposal and at each meeting, in spite of my
invitation for any neighborhood home owner to speak in favor of your proposal, no one came forward to support it as
it was configured in your last application. Therefore, in addition to the Oakwood Neighborhood Association I
anticipate that there will be numerous homeowners in the immediate area who will also register their opposition to
your project should it resemble the proposal you previously made.
I will always be open to meet with you at your convenience about any of these issues.
Gaines West, President of Oakwood Neighborhood Association and Homeowner at 200 Suffolk, College
Station, Texas.
Gaines West
West, Webb, Allbritton & Gentry, P.C.
1515 Emerald Plaza
College Station, Texas 77845
phone: 979-694-7000
fax: 979-694-8000
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B'shalom u-vrachah,
In peace and blessings,
Rabbi Peter Tarlow
(979) 764-8402 (home)
(979) 696-7313 (office)
From: "Gaines West" <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
To: <g brown @cstx. gov>
Date: 6/8/2007 9:41 am
Subject: FW: Thank you for your forthrightness.
Glen, I am forwarding you a copy of my email to Rabbi Tarlow on behalf of our Oakwood Neighborhood Association,
and his reply to me. I have also forwarded this communication to Jason Schubert.
The Oakwood Neighborhood Association, and our neighbors to the West on Dexter and beyond Brison Park, have
had two joint meetings on the proposal made by the Hillel Foundation. My email to Rabbi Tarlow is the result of those
meetings. We consider this a very serious issue for our neighborhood and it is yet one more reason why we believe
we need a Historic Designation Ordinance in College Station so that these kinds of projects, along George Bush
Drive in our vicinity, can't even begin to be considered.
Most importantly we believe that a Change of Use is not warranted to the City's Comprehensive Plan that would
change the use of the Hillel Foundation property to Planned Development. Jason Schubert has expressed to me that
City Staff is considering supporting a recommendation for a Change of Use for the Hillel property, but at the same
time the Staff is considering opposing any change in the zoning restrictions. Our neighbors, and the Oakwood
Neighborhood Association, want the City to be clear that we will vigorously oppose any attempt to change the use of
the Hillel Foundation property from the designation it has been assigned in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Absolutely no compelling reason has been put forward that would support such a change.
Our intent is to remain good neighbors with the Hillel Foundation, and all of the property users surrounding our single
family neighborhood, who consistently use their property in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and the
zoning restrictions. We hope that this challenge to the Hillel Foundation plans will foster neighborhood goals that are
consistent with the long and established traditions for this historic heart of old College Station. One positive result
that has occurred thus far is that our neighborhood has come together like never before to work to preserve and
protect the uniqueness of the environment that exists in our neighborhood today.
Please accept this information as an update to our ongoing concern over the plans previously proposed by the Hillel
I would be pleased to meet at any time concerning these issues. gaines
Gaines West
From: Jason Schubert
To: cooper1 @cullums.org; gaines.west@westwebblaw.com
Date: 6/26/2007 5:19 pm
Subject: status of Hillel proposal
As promised, I would keep you updated on the status of the Hillel proposal. They have not submitted any revisions
for our review and have missed the deadline to make the July 19th Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. They
have informed me, however, that they are still working on a new proposal. I will let you know if a new proposal is
submitted and what meetings that would be scheduled for.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: "Gaines West" <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
To: "Jason Schubert" <Jschubert@cstx.gov>, <cooper1...
Date: 6/26/2007 5:34 pm
Subject: RE: status of Hillel proposal
Thank you Jason. gainer
Gaines West
gaines.west6a' westwebblaw.com
From: Jerry Cooper <cooper1@cullums.org>
To: Jason Schubert <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 6/26/2007 5:38 pm
Subject: Re: status of Hillel proposal
Thanks, Jason.
Jerry C.
From: Jerry Cooper <cooper1 @cullums.org>
To: Jason Schubert <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 9/11/2007 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: status of Hillel proposal
Just want to make sure I am informed if the Hillel Board submits any
revised plans for their property at George Bush and Dexter.
Jerry Cooper
602 Bell St.
Jason Schubert
Cooper, Jerry
9/12/2007 8:16 AM
Re: status of Hillel proposal
I have not heard any more regarding the proposal and no revisions have been submitted. The last I heard was
actually from Mr. Gaines West who stated that he had bought (or was buying) from Bill Lancaster three of the lots just
south of Aberdeen. I knew Hillel was looking at potentially expanding their area to lower the height but I'm not sure if
those purchases would end up killing their proposal. I will let you know if there is any more action on this item.
Jason Schubert
Staff Planner
Planning & Development Services
City of College Station
Phone: 979.764.3570
Fax: 979.764.3496
From: Jerry Cooper <cooperl @cullums.org>
To: Jason Schubert <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
Date: 9/12/2007 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: status of Hillel proposal
Thanks, Jason. Appreciate the update.
Jerry C.
From: Jerry Cooper <cooperl @cullums.org>
To: Jason Schubert <Jschubert@cstx.gov>
CC: Gaines West <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
Date: 9/4/2008 1:20 PM
Subject: [Fwd: FW: Please read - Concernin Hillel]
Attachments: Hillel Bldg.jpg
I just got the following from Gaines West with the photo attachment.
Has Hillel approached the city yet with anything on this? If not, can you tell me if they would be allowed to build their
wall clear out to a sidewalk width from Dexter? This seems to take it onto city property. Can you confirm this for me?
Jerry Cooper
-------- Original Message--------
Subject:FW: Please read - Concernin Hillel
Date:Thu, 4 Sep 2008 11:44:38 -0500
From:Gaines West <gaines.west(o)westwebblaw.com>
CC:Jerry Cooper <cooper1(cDcullums.orq>
I thought this would be of interest. I have been on their email distribution list for sometime so this came to me in the
ordinary course of emails that I get from Hillel. gaines
Gaines West
From: Rabbi Peter Tarlow [mailto:ptarlow startel.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:17 AM
To: Recipient List Suppressed
Subject: Please read
As many of you know, our Hillel is in the process of raising money so that our students will have a new Hillel facility to
perpetuate Jewish life on the Texas A&M campus.
The following letter was written by Don Reiser who is a former Texas A&M student and heading our fund-raising
committee. Please take a few moments to read it and then to pass it onto friends. Even if you are not Jewish or are
not an Aggie, your support will be greatly appreciated.
I do not like to send requests for money and hope that you understand that is an exception to the rule.
I hope this note finds you well. As you can see from the attached rendering for a new Texas A&M Hillel building, life
in Aggieland is very busy. College Station just doesn't look like it once did "in the good old days." G'd willing, neither
will Texas A&M Hillel.
If you can find your way to help with funds for the new building, I would be so grateful. This has been a large task,
greater than any of us thought it would be.
One of our former students, Mr. Izzy Schepps, has given a challenge grant of $1.5 million. Hillel has until October 1 st
to raise another $2.5 million in cash. The new building will be over twice the size of the current one. There are now
1,500 Jewish students at TAMU, a far cry from the few hundred of the past. We need to provide a new home for this
growing group.
The new building was designed, pro bono, by an old friend of Don Reiser, JW Wood. Don has noted that Mr. Wood
is not Jewish, but understands that a 21 st Century building would be a great addition to Aggieland.
So any help would be appreciated and all contributions are tax deductible. Please send all contributions to
Texas A&M Hillel
800 George Bush Drive
College Station, Texas, 77840
Thank you
I just got the following from Gaines West with the photo attachment.
Has Hillel approached the city yet with anything on this? If not, can you tell me if they would be allowed to build their
wall clear out to a sidewalk width from Dexter? This seems to take it onto city property. Can you confirm this for me?
Jerry Cooper
-------- Original Message--------
Subject:FW: Please read - Concernin Hillel
Date:Thu, 4 Sep 2008 11:44:38 -0500
From:Gaines West <gaines.west@westwebblaw.com>
CC:Jerry Cooper <cooperl (@cullums.org>
I thought this would be of interest. I have been on their email distribution list for sometime so this came to me in the
ordinary course of emails that I get from Hillel. gaines
Gaines West
From: Rabbi Peter Tarlow [mai Ito: ptarlow .starte[.netl
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:17 AM
To: Recipient List Suppressed
Subject: Please read
As many of you know, our Hillel is in the process of raising money so that our students will have a new Hillel facility to
perpetuate Jewish life on the Texas A&M campus.
The following letter was written by Don Reiser who is a former Texas A&M student and heading our fund-raising
committee. Please take a few moments to read it and then to pass it onto friends. Even if you are not Jewish or are
not an Aggie, your support will be greatly appreciated.
I do not like to send requests for money and hope that you understand that is an exception to the rule.
I hope this note finds you well. As you can see from the attached rendering for a new Texas A&M Hillel building, life
in Aggieland is very busy. College Station just doesn't look like it once did "in the good old days." G'd willing, neither
will Texas A&M Hillel.
If you can find your way to help with funds for the new building, I would be so grateful. This has been a large task,
greater than any of us thought it would be.
One of our former students, Mr. Izzy Schepps, has given a challenge grant of $1.5 million. Hillel has until October 1st
to raise another $2.5 million in cash. The new building will be over twice the size of the current one. There are now
1,500 Jewish students at TAMU, a far cry from the few hundred of the past. We need to provide a new home for this
growing group.
The new building was designed, pro Bono, by an old friend of Don Reiser, JW Wood. Don has noted that Mr. Wood
is not Jewish, but understands that a 21 st Century building would be a great addition to Aggieland.
So any help would be appreciated and all contributions are tax deductible. Please send all contributions to
Texas A&M Hillel
800 George Bush Drive
College Station, Texas, 77840
Thank you
B'shalom u-vrachah,
In peace and blessings,
Rabbi Peter Tarlow
(979) 764-8402 (home)
(979) 696-7313 (office)
B'shalom u-vrachah,
In peace and blessings,
Rabbi Peter Tarlow
(979) 764-8402 (home)
(979) 696-7313 (office)